Adaptive Catalog

ConnectWise Certified

One stop destination for MSPs to find centralized distributor data, customizable search filters, and convenient CRM integration

ConnectWise Certified Integration
Integrated seamlessly with the ConnectWise platform.
  • Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

Your quotes are only as good as the quality of the data in your quoting software. The last thing your salespeople should be doing is searching through many different manufacturer and distributor websites to get a sales proposal into the hands of your customer. Unfortunately, that is what MSPs and IT resellers are doing because the quoting tools on the market today rely on a data source overrun with deprecated products, with an outdated interface designed for large ecommerce sites.


With Adaptive Catalog, product content search is simple and hassle free. Users can specify essential features, exclude deal breakers, and ignore unimportant criteria when searching for products. We return product descriptions, pictures and specifications, compatibility with peripherals, and a replacement parts list so that you, the trusted IT advisor, can present a detailed and comprehensive solution. Because we source our data directly from major manufacturers and integrate those feeds with IT distributors, your salespeople will never need to scroll through rows of discontinued and out of stock products, nor will they be frustrated by a loading icon after every keyword search to get the “next 50 products.”

Our market leading bid analysis tool monitors inbound emails for replacement requests and automatically populates sales opportunities. This cutting-edge tool can also process complex RFPs in many different document formats to generate a bill of materials and even make configuration suggestions for additional up and cross sell potential.

ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Adaptive Catalog integrates with ConnectWise PSA using the REST APIs. You simply need to create an API member and pair of API Keys.


  • Update your PSA Product Catalog with Adaptive Catalog data to view up to date vendor pricing & availability, rich marketing details, and detailed product specifications.

  • Push products to PSA opportunities to be pulled into the quoting system of your choice with up to date product information.

  • View full product details inside of the PSA Product Catalog without needing dozens of custom fields.

Adaptive Catalog's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.


Your quotes are only as good as the quality of the data in your quoting software. The last thing your salespeople should be doing is searching through many different manufacturer and distributor websites to get a sales proposal into the hands of your customer. Unfortunately, that is what MSPs and IT resellers are doing because the quoting tools on the market today rely on a data source overrun with deprecated products, with an outdated interface designed for large ecommerce sites.


With Adaptive Catalog, product content search is simple and hassle free. Users can specify essential features, exclude deal breakers, and ignore unimportant criteria when searching for products. We return product descriptions, pictures and specifications, compatibility with peripherals, and a replacement parts list so that you, the trusted IT advisor, can present a detailed and comprehensive solution. Because we source our data directly from major manufacturers and integrate those feeds with IT distributors, your salespeople will never need to scroll through rows of discontinued and out of stock products, nor will they be frustrated by a loading icon after every keyword search to get the “next 50 products.”

Our market leading bid analysis tool monitors inbound emails for replacement requests and automatically populates sales opportunities. This cutting-edge tool can also process complex RFPs in many different document formats to generate a bill of materials and even make configuration suggestions for additional up and cross sell potential.


ConnectWise PSA

Requirements: Adaptive Catalog integrates with ConnectWise PSA using the REST APIs. You simply need to create an API member and pair of API Keys.


  • Update your PSA Product Catalog with Adaptive Catalog data to view up to date vendor pricing & availability, rich marketing details, and detailed product specifications.

  • Push products to PSA opportunities to be pulled into the quoting system of your choice with up to date product information.

  • View full product details inside of the PSA Product Catalog without needing dozens of custom fields.


Adaptive Catalog's PSA Integration is certified via the ConnectWise Invent Program.

If you need assistance with creating API members or integration setup please send a note to and the ConnectWise PSA support team can assist. For any other questions with this integration, please contact the vendor directly to resolve any issues.