• Overview

  • Integration

  • Support

With rapid deployment and customizable configurations, Servoyant unifies disparate network support tools into a single platform. As a SaaS offering, Servoyant has a quick signup process, rapid deployment, provisioning templates and automated discovery. Administrators can manage and monitor an entire network in minutes. 

ConnectWise PSA


  • Tickets can be created in ConnectWise Manage manually via single-click or automatically via resolution profile
  • Tickets will contain all the information Servoyant collects for the alert
  • Ticket status will be updated in Servoyant from ConnectWise Manage
  • Servoyant does not provide for a “closed-loop” system as it is our belief that an external system should not clear an alert whose condition may not have been resolved. Servoyant provides an auto-clearing system that will clear the alert when the alert condition has been resolved as an alternative method.
  • Device configurations will be exported from Servoyant to ConnectWise Manage automatically in order to maintain current configurations in ConnectWise Manage.

Servoyant will also retrieve all ticket header information to provide a single source of reporting on:

  • Ticket response time
  • Resolution time
  • Tickets by incident type

Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.   



With rapid deployment and customizable configurations, Servoyant unifies disparate network support tools into a single platform. As a SaaS offering, Servoyant has a quick signup process, rapid deployment, provisioning templates and automated discovery. Administrators can manage and monitor an entire network in minutes. 


ConnectWise PSA


  • Tickets can be created in ConnectWise Manage manually via single-click or automatically via resolution profile
  • Tickets will contain all the information Servoyant collects for the alert
  • Ticket status will be updated in Servoyant from ConnectWise Manage
  • Servoyant does not provide for a “closed-loop” system as it is our belief that an external system should not clear an alert whose condition may not have been resolved. Servoyant provides an auto-clearing system that will clear the alert when the alert condition has been resolved as an alternative method.
  • Device configurations will be exported from Servoyant to ConnectWise Manage automatically in order to maintain current configurations in ConnectWise Manage.

Servoyant will also retrieve all ticket header information to provide a single source of reporting on:

  • Ticket response time
  • Resolution time
  • Tickets by incident type


Currently this vendor is not Certified under ConnectWise Invent.

Please reach out directly to the vendor for integration implementation and/or support.